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The United Nations SDG 14: Life Below Water


05 Aug 2022

The United Nations put together a list of 17 goals in 2015, related to global development and to be achieved by 2030. These work as a blueprint for a better, sustainable future for all and are collectively called the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The fourteenth SDG, Life Under Water has its objective to conserve and use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development. The marine life and conservation of the ocean are key as it also positively contributes in balancing the climate, and the oceans absorb almost one-fourth of carbon emissions. Apart from this, marine life and those who are dependent on it are severely affected by pollution and the COVID-19 pandemic respectively. Admittedly it is indeed a long road ahead and to understand this better, we need to take a closer look at the sub-goals under the SDG. 

  1. Reduce marine pollution

  2. Protect and restore ecosystems

  3. Reduce ocean acidification

  4. Sustainable fishing

  5. Conserve coastal and marine areas

  6. End subsidies contributing to overfishing

  7. Increase the economic benefits from the sustainable use of marine resources

  8. Increase scientific knowledge, research, and technology for ocean health

  9. Support small-scale fishers

  10. Implement and enforce international sea law

These sub-goals provide an overview of the various areas that are multifaceted and need to be worked upon. There is a need to promote sustainable practices to improve marine life and better the lives of those dependent on the same.

Apart from these, the fulfilment of this SDG goal would especially be crucial as this would help directly or indirectly fulfilling most of the SDGs. Ensuring the conservation of marine life will aid to improve the climate crisis, economic growth, and so on. Some of the SDGs that would directly be affected include- economic development, climate action, zero hunger, health and well-being for all, etc.

Based on these, individuals, organisations, and governments across the globe need to base their strategies on the goals as well as sub-goals to bring in a focussed approach in the eradication of social evils in specific communities.

In this series of articles, we will discuss each of the SDGs in detail to understand the role of countries and stakeholders to fulfill these sustainable development goals.

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