Create amazing experiences with Embedded Finance APIs
SYNE APIs are clean, well-documented, and easy-to-use with stability and consistency. We have developed APIs keeping developers in focus ensuring you can quick start with API reference documentation. You are covered with everything from sample code in your favourite languages to test environments for enabling financial wellbeing.
SYNE sustainability APIs help you monitor water, air quality and emissions exposure based on consumption, generation, vehicles, travel as well as intelligent offsets.
SYNE Carbon
SYNE helps you build tailored, embedded financial experiences for individuals and families with real-time behavioural insights for their planning decisions.
SYNE Financials
Optimise your business finance with SYNE APIs to improve your accounting, suppliers, payroll, revenue and spend management, reconciliation, and social impact.
Market Data
SYNE Data APIs provides the latest insights on suppliers, global trends, events, trading, market risks, and supply chains that are reshaping our markets.
Unified Solution rooted in Code, Data and Design
SYNE APIs helps you access real-time transactions, integrated data on consumption, financial products
and services, healthcare, insurance, payroll, and utilities. As we progress through an increasingly
interconnected financial ecosystem, you will be at ease to integrate it through our APIs, with just few lines of code.
SYNE RESTful APIs are simple, easy to use, and fully documented to help you quickly integrate with your application in few minutes.
Data Encryption
SYNE stores customer data at rest using 256-bit AES encryption and use an SSL/TLS secure tunnel to transfer data between your applications and our APIs.
Realtime Monitoring
SYNE conducts behavioural monitoring, vulnerability assessment, and intrusion detection to detect threats and keep our system safe and secure
Open Banking
SYNE APIs simplify and accelerate secure delivery of open-banking compliant APIs and helps you accelerate wider opportunities in the API economy.
Digital Finance
SYNE APIs lets you embed digital financial services in your marketplace, mobile applications, or platform to lend, borrow, fund, and pay.
Code Generation
SYNE simplifies your code build process by generating server stubs and client SDKs for any API defined with the Open API specification.
Designed for Developers
World's most powerful and easy to use APIs.
SYNE APIs are the easiest way for teams and organisations to connect with financial accounts - web applications, mobile apps or other integrated systems. SYNE system implementation is quick - with just a few lines of code.
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"JournalEntryName":"Director Fees",
Ready for SYNE APIs?
SYNE makes things happen by weaving technology with human touch, providing the complete documentation and support to enable financial services APIs. Explore SYNE Developer to instantly start creating your social impact.
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