SMART Framework
for Decarbonization

SYNE Sustainability Management with Accountability, Responsibility, and Transparency (SMART) forms the foundation for effective sustainability measurement, decarbonization and offset for any organization. By integrating these principles into your organization's practices, you can demonstrate your commitment to a sustainable future and contribute to positive environmental and social outcomes.

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Sustainability Measurement = SMART Framework + Unique Data Assets

SMART framework can be adapted by any organization size or industry. By following the SMART principles, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and contribute to a more sustainable future.


Establish ESG goals aligned with UN SDGs and ISO 14001 standards, implement social responsibility policies upholding human rights, and utilize standardized reporting frameworks to track performance.


Embed the sustainability mindset by engaging employees in decision-making, prioritizing ethical sourcing in supply chain, advocating for public policies, and promoting responsible practices throughout the organization.


Disclose sustainability performance publicly to establish clear communication with stakeholders and enable audits to verify the accuracy of initiatives and projects leading to decarbonization.


SMART Framework facilitates benchmarking for your organization's sustainability metrics against national, industry, and regional indicators, enabling continuous improvement through data-driven comparisons.

Empowering Sustainable Futures Through SMART Framework

SYNE Sustainability Cloud provides a valuable tool for companies to assess and manage
climate-related risks and opportunities, leading to a more sustainable future. The reporting
empowers investors and other stakeholders to make informed decisions about companies and
contributes to a more sustainable financial system.

Materiality Assessment

Double materiality expands beyond financial metrics, prompting companies to assess how sustainability issues impact their bottom line and how their operations affect the environment and society.

Business Strategy

Shift sustainability from afterthought to strategic priority. Embed long-term goals into your core business strategy, ensuring a thriving future for your organization and the planet.

Triple Bottom Line

Move beyond just profit and consider Balancing People, Planet and Prosperity impacts of your business operations and the ESGI scoring across various industries and locations.

Stakeholder Engagement

Proactively identify and engage stakeholders, including customers, employees, communities, and investors to understand their sustainability concerns and priorities.

Metrics and Targets

Define clear, measurable sustainability goals across reduced carbon footprint, increased community engagement, decarbonization and track progress with relevant metrics and report transparently.

Risk Management

Analyze environmental, social and economic risks associated with your business and look for opportunities to innovate and create a competitive advantage through sustainable practices.

Building Trust & Sustainability with the SMART Framework

The SMART framework fosters a robust sustainability management approach. It enhances
credibility with stakeholders through transparent reporting and goal progress. This transparency
also attracts ESG-focused investors and strengthens brand reputation. Moreover, SMART
promotes responsible business practices by encouraging risk management and fostering
employee engagement. Ultimately, this framework empowers organizations to contribute to a
more sustainable future.

Empowering Sustainability with SMART Measurement

Sustainability measurement platforms that embrace the SMART framework bolster their credibility. Transparent data collection and reporting fosters trust in platform data. Moreover, SMART empowers companies by facilitating goal setting, progress tracking, and stakeholder engagement. This holistic approach ultimately drives data-driven decision-making and continuous improvement towards a sustainable future.

Rooted in Science, Developed for Enterprise

Unifying Frameworks: SMART Approach to Comprehensive Reporting

By consolidating best practices from various sustainability and ESG frameworks, a unified
approach like SMART is streamlined to eliminate redundancy, and empowers organizations to
develop comprehensive strategies that drive impactful results across environmental, social, and
governance (ESG) areas for regulatory and management reporting

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The Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) urges companies to report climate risks, promoting financial transparency and climate-resilient business practices.



The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) offers industry-specific ESG reporting standards, helping companies disclose financial material sustainability data.



The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) mandates ESG reporting for large companies in the EU, promoting transparency and investor focus on sustainability.



The CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) gathers environmental data from companies, driving corporate transparency and action on climate change and water security.


GHG Protocol

The GHG Protocol is a framework for measuring and reporting greenhouse gas emissions, helping companies track their carbon footprint and manage climate change risks.



The Science-based targets propel companies on a path to achieving net-zero emissions, by setting emissions reductions that match scientific targets to combat climate change.



GRI Standards provide a global framework for comprehensive sustainability reporting, fostering transparency and stakeholder engagement.


IR Framework

The Integrated Reporting Framework connects financial and sustainability performance, fostering a comprehensive approach to business decisions.

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About SYNE

SYNE is the world's first 360° platform which analyzes, measures, optimizes, benchmark and offsets emissions using financial and social technologies.

SYNE Careers

SYNE is yet to spread its wings – we are on a growth trajectory with a growing team of talented individuals, dedicated to our philosophy.